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Coada a durat pana pe la ora 13:00 cand s-au epuizat atilcanpii.S-a intrat in grupuri de 30-50 persoane.Oferta a fost destul de subtire si tintita pe proaspetii absolventi, care beneficiaza probabil de ceva faciltati de la stat.Lumea de la coada are multe asteptari, inspre schimbarea atitudinii angajatorilor, si uneori ind sa le dau dreptate.De ex. o doamna pomenea de perioada de proba de trei luni impusa mascat de un angajator prin contract de angajare cu perioada determinata, in baza caruia angajata pierdea ajuorul de somaj. In caz ca nu ar fi satisfacut angajatorul ar fi ramas fara ajutor de somaj. Deci legislatia e defavorabila oamenilor in dificultate.Tineretul mentiona ca la angajare se cere experienta. Un junior a avut curajul sa intrebe angajatorul daca stie un magazin de unde poate sa cumpere.O alta fata avea o fisa in tzipla, probabil pentru AJOFM unde bifa firmele la care a aplicat. Erau multe bife si multa dezamagire.Coada, mi-a readus aminte de vremurile ceausiste cand actualii imbogatiti de razboi ne obligau sa stam la coada, la carne.Pe de alta parte este mult adevar ca zonele s-au impartit pe interese si oamenii au parte de acces doar la o sclavie moderna.Singurele oferte serioase au fost ale firmelor germane, care interpun insa firme de HR romanesti, care actioneaza conform cutuelor locale.Speranta nu moare, dar e foarte greu pentru cei care au asteptat o slujba azi.Concluzionez:Trebuie schimbat sistemul pentru angajari, iar daca dl. primar a afirmat ca numai cine nu vrea nu lucreaza, azi am realizat ca afirmatia sa nu bate cu realitatea cruda.In rest am vazut trei jandarmi, unul cu urechi tocite de lupte, gata sa intervina pentru a pastra ordinea. Nu a fost nevoie.
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Mersii, foarte bine punctat.Si eu consider ca bataia de joc fata de oamenii care doresc sa munceasca e tot mai mare.Ofertele sunt tot mai slabe datorita faptului ca societatile care angejeaza la randul lor au un management defectuos sau prost administrat, iar cu ceea ce se ocupa sunt tot mai saraci in a mai devenii firme de succes.In general acesti angajatori ii gasesti si pe site-urile de joburi in care primesc cu sutele de CV-uri pe care le trateaza cu indiferenta gasindu-si scuzele tipice in ziua de astazi, la toti timpul e important si daca citesc doua CV-uri vor pierde miliarde in afaceri (sau mai bine zis de plictisiti ce sunt pentru ca isi comanda firmele cu orgolii si pierd piata zi de zi)Firmele serioase sau asa zise firme mai serioase au birourile HR in care stau tute care se considera proprietarele acestor firme si fac legea dupa urechea lor si nu dupa calitatea omului.Nu ramane decat sa traim intr-o indolenta faurita de unii dintre noi care considera ca detin haturile.PS Am mai auzit ca unele firme vin acolo numai pentru a-si face reclama si atat. affordable car insurance buy car insurance online
This bears an eerie resemblance to a Mormon cult based in Colorado City Arizona that has the third and fourth wife collecting welfare benefits from the very government they publicly despise and whose basic rules they flagrantly flaunt! Disgusting! They are currently being investigated for illegal child molestation practices by the mainstream mormon(Utah) officials. Their name=Fundemental Latter Day Saints. The documentary was sickening to watch as it exposed all of their dealings and teachings.Very bad vibrations. I am Catholic and fairly tolerant but these guys are like an alien movie like "Invasion Of The Body Snatchers",bad,bad. Documentary titled Dammed to Heaven!Definitely worth watching,scary. Thank you. "And in Europe there never was much discrimination of Dalits, Buddhists or Sikhs...Every country or culture has its own specific problems."Stop spreading BS.What "discrimination" against Sikhs and Buddhists?It is India which hosts all those Tibetan Buddhist refugees including the Dalai Lama.When the Buddhist monks abandoned the Bodh Gaya temple after Muslim invasions, it was Brahmins who kept it running.Sikhs are far more prosperous than Hindus, overrepresnted in the Army, the head of state is a Sikh, this is "discrmination"? online car insurance auto insurance quotes
Indians never had anti/semetism.It is due to Nethaji's connection towards Nazi Germany which forced not to recognise Israel initially.But even Nethaji or his followers never had anti semetism which includes Indian Muslims. Israel must show why still in India the oldest Jewish settlement in Cochin exists and why the second oldest Mosque in Keeranganallur exists next to that synagogue. You are so right Leah, and so insightful. It takes a reasonable amount of life experience to be able to hold off on criticism, especially concerning other people’ parenting style. What is interesting is when the kids are in their 20′s and they start delivering the criticism themselves. For instance I thought we were those fantastic parents who let each child follow his spirit and evolve in the direction that best suited him. Turns out that I quote “we were not giving them enough boundaries”. Good luck to us all!Nathalie cheap car insurance online auto insurance quotes
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